Tuesday, January 20, 2009

"Gran Torino" Review, part deux

A second look at my Gran Torino review reveals some mistakes and some alright assessments. I should refrain from using the first person, especially since I threw it in at the end where it is unexpected. I definitely should provide more concrete examples of the poor script and acting scenarios that I criticize--there were certain lines that struck me as particularly bad and the inclusion of an example would back-up my argument. I use the words unconvincing and contrived about 32 times and while I still think they are the most appropriate way to describe the plot and performances, maybe I could show my disappointment through examples more than tell it repeatedly. I think I did a pretty good job (for the first review) of giving enough analysis and not too much summary, although this is an aspect I could improve.

My ledes are ok; they could be stronger and more attention-grabbing. My lede sentences fit contextually but are not strong enough introductions on their own. Overall, my paragraphs could be shorter and more concise. This would allow me more space to touch on aspects of the film that I have left out. My title is kind of cliche but I still like it. I would assign myself the grade B-.

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