Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Final Project Proposal: The Uncertain State of Art and Artists in a Troubled Economy

I propose to examine the state and future of the art market in relation to the current economic downturn. As this subject has numerous perspectives from which critical examination is pertinent, I will focus on the implications of the declining art market for college art students entering the art world in uncertain times. I will use as a point of departure, past examples of the re-envisioning of the art world in times of economic distress and the movements that originated under similar circumstances. New genres of feminist and gay art are examples. Looking at the contemporary art world, I will apply past examples where they fit and note possible adaptations that will need to be made for the specifics of today’s situation.

I will introduce the topic by citing examples that already foretell the decline of the art market, such as changes in art publications and museums and gallery closings. After establishing a sense of the general atmosphere, I plan to explore specifics that focus on the prospects of careers in art for young artists. I will conduct interviews with K art seniors to get their thoughts on the situation and their own plans for the future (and if and how those plans have changed). To get more perspective, I plan to interview one of the K art professors for their take on the issue. Overall, I will argue that the art world and artists will not be able to enjoy the same leisurely success that they have in recent years and that critical changes will have to be made.

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